Laser Lips Hair Removal for Women

Unwanted hair on the upper lip is one of the most common cosmetic concerns for women. No woman wants to have a mustache! Bleaching and shaving the area provides unsatisfactory results, and is at best only a temporary solution. Electrolysis is a very painful, tedious and expensive process. The ideal solution to unwanted upper lip hair is laser facial hair removal! And your best bet for premium, highly-specialized facial hair removal is Premiere Laser Centre, where our technicians perform this process on a regular basis.

Does It Take Long?

Not at all. Upper lip laser hair removal only takes about five minutes, and the results are amazing. The process is virtually pain-free, with only a slight sensation of a rubber band snapping on the skin. We can apply a topical anesthetic gel to the area prior to treatment if necessary, which is effective in minimizing any discomfort for the client. The process is very effective for brown and black “mustache” hair.

Some people have a tendency to develop cold sores. If you are an individual who has a history of being susceptible to the cold sore virus, please make sure you let the technicians know before beginning treatment. In these instances it is necessary for our Medical Director to prescribe a generic antiviral medication prior to your first treatment session. The antiviral medication must be taken both before and after each treatment near the lip area. This is required specifically for the protection of the client.