Before & After

Candela Gentle Yag

Premiere can treat all skin types.

Premiere Client: Age 20, one treatment.

  • Type 4 skin
  • Indications : Ingrown hair and Pseudo Folliculitis.
  • Laser: Candela Gentle Yag
  • Second photo is eight weeks post treatment !
  • Significant hair reduction.
  • Infection and ingrown hair is gone.

Candela Gentle Yag

Female Full Face Age 28

  • Premiere Client: After 7 treatments.
  • Type 4 skin
  • Indications: Hormonal Facial Hair
  • Laser: Candela Gentle Yag
  • Significant hair reduction.

Gentle Lase Candela Plus

Huge reduction in one treatment..

Lightwaves: Flaccid Skin,Stretch Marks and much more.

The Lightwave advanced LED system is the most comprehensive and technologically sophisticated available. These systems offer cosmetic improvements for the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, stretch marks, scarring, blemishes, sun spots, and even cellulite. Lightwave enhancements are accomplished without pain, without heat, and with no negative side effects.

For years, Light Therapy has been used to treat pain and other damaged cells. Now, LED offers great use for cosmetic rejuvenation. Lightwave thoroughly maximizes the benefits of using both red and infrared light energy. This allows our treatments to penetrate the skin on a much deeper level than an ordinary red light device, making the treatment much more effective. Lightwave Systems have a 3-socket design which allows multiple areas of the body to be treated simultaneously. Don’t get left behind, contact us today to learn more about Lightwave and what it can do.